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K-centre Workshop @CLARIN2023

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NOTE: This workshop is invite-only.


Day 1 – October 18, 2023, 14:00-17:00 CEST

14:00 - 14:10

Welcome and introduction (Bente Maegaard)

Appointment of moderators for breakout sessions

14:10 - 14:40 Presentation of all participating K-centres (1 slide, 1 minute)
14:40 - 15:15

Breakout sessions with the purpose of detecting collaboration areas

Discussions in two groups


    Language specific K-centres: parallels and differences (Vincent Vandeghinste)

  • Topic specific K-centres (Vesna Lušicky)
15:15 - 15:35 Break
15:35 - 16:10

Breakout sessions discussions on aiming at specific users , with the purpose of detecting collaboration areas

Discussions in groups

  • users from specific geographical areas (moderator?)
  • users from specific scientific domains (moderator?)
  • other specific users (students vs. advanced / technical vs. non-technical) (moderator?)
16:10 - 16:20

Plenary recap and conclusions of breakout sessions (moderators, 2 min. each)

16:20 - 17:00

Do we need additional Resource Families?

The role of K-centres wrt curation of Resource Families (Jakob Lenardič)


from 19:00 Dinner

  Day 2 – October 19, 2023, 09:00-13:00 CEST

9:00 - 9:15

Summary of the first day (Bente Maegaard)

9:15 - 9:55

CLARIN identity: what does it mean to be part of CLARIN? (Darja Fišer)


9:55 - 10:35

Reaching out to more users. (Michal Kren)


10:35 - 11:05


11:05 - 11:25

Short summary of the K-centre reporting 2023 (Jurgita Vaičenonienė/Vesna Lušicky)


11:25 - 12:00

K-centre contributions to teaching/ Trainers Network (Iulianna van der Lek).


12:00 - 12:30

Collaboration with European Initiatives (Francesca Frontini)


12:30 - 13:00

Open discussion

  • Ideas for missing K-centres.
  • What would the K-centres need from Communications team to make them better known? (to be taken up at next K-centre meeting)
  • K-centres in Tour de CLARIN? Impact stories?
  • How do you run a successful help desk? 
  • Format and themes for next meeting.

Anything else you want to discuss.

13:00  Lunch

Irish College Leuven
3000 Leuven