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SSH Open Cluster: Life After SSHOC

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Event name: SSH Open Cluster: Life After SSHOC

Date: Monday, 10 October 2022

Time: 18:40 - 19:00 (CEST)

Venue: Hybrid (for registered participants of CLARIN2022)

Speakers: Francesca Frontini (Chair), Laure Barbot, Carsten Thiel  

This session is part of the CLARIN Annual Conference 2022.

About the Session

Although the H2020 project SSHOC came to an end in April 2022, it will have a lasting effect on the research infrastructure ( ) landscape. In this short session, the speakers will zoom in on the project’s longer-term impact on the collaboration between the European research infrastructures from the SSH domain, their common service offer, as well as the position of this RI cluster in the wider landscape of research infrastructures. The leading RIs of the SSHOC project now collaborate under the umbrella of the SSH Open Cluster, and they will maintain the recently launched SSH Open Marketplace, a discovery platform for resources such as data, tools, publications, and training materials. The SSH domain’s alignment with the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) at national, institutional and European level will also remain on the agenda.

In three pitches, the SSHOC project and its afterlife will be presented:

  1. SSHOC in the Context of the EOSC Landscape – Francesca Frontini 
  2. SSHOC as a Project and Preparatory Step for the Establishment of the SSH Open Cluster – Carsten Thiel
  3. The SSH Open Marketplace – Laure Barbot

Recommended Background Material for this Session

Speakers (in the Order of Appearance)

Franceca Frontini

Bio: Francesca Frontini is a researcher at ILC CNR, Italy. Her research interests include language resources, natural language processing and corpus stylistics. Since early 2019, she has been collaborating in the infrastructural projects of the LARI group, INFRAIA-ELEXIS, INFRAEOSC-SSHOC, and INFRAEOSC-TRIPLE. Francesca has been particularly active in spreading the word about CLARIN and helping CLARIN grow. She has been involved in various CLARIN committees and task forces, user involvement, and initatives such as the Tour de CLARIN. Her activities within CLARIN earned her a Steven Krauwer Award for CLARIN Achievements in 2020. Since 2021, she has been a member of CLARIN ’s Board of Directors. (Slides)



Carsten Thiel 

Carsten Thiel is Chief Technical Officer at CESSDA ERIC, the Consortium of Social Science Data Archives. He in is charge of CESSDA's technical roadmap and strategy, including the design of all technical aspects of the infrastructure as well as a sustainable model for its long-term operation and interoperability within the EOSC, including the SSHOC cluster project, which was coordinated by CESSDA. Carsten has previously worked at the University of Göttingen as Technology Coordinator and Co-Manager for the DARIAH-DE research project and has worked with DARIAH ERIC on its EC funded projects. He holds a PhD in Mathematics from University of Magdeburg. His research interests include digital research infrastructures, distributed development processes and the DevOps approach to infrastructure management. (Slides)


Laure Barbot

Bio: Laure Barbot is the European Project Officer at DARIAH-EU. After studying French and German philosophies in the Erasmus Mundus Master programme Europhilosophie (University of Toulouse, UCLouvain and Charles University of Prague), Laure obtained a Master's degree in political sciences from the Toulouse Institute of Political Studies. She first worked at the University of Toulouse as a European Project Manager for the Europhilosophie consortium, before joining the CNRS to manage European fundings for the Côte d'Azur regional office. In 2015, she became general secretary of the Social Sciences and Humanities Centres Network, a French research infrastructure. Since January 2019, she has been responsible for the coordination of activities led by DARIAH within the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) project. (Slides)



