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CLARIN Café: Towards Guidelines for Integrating CLARIN into Teaching - Lessons Learnt from UPSKILLS

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General Information

This café, organised and hosted by Iulianna van der Lek and Darja Fišer, focuses on the current practices for using CLARIN resources in teaching and the creation of best-practice guidelines. Although primarily intended for language and linguistics-related disciplines, these guidelines can also be extended and adapted to suit other disciplines. 

Date: 1 December 2021

Time: 14:00-16:00 (CET)

Venue:CLARIN virtual Zoom meeting

Twitter hashtag: #CLARINcafe #UpskillsProject 

A full overview of the café sessions scheduled can be found on the CLARIN Café page.


We warmly invite members of the CLARIN and UPSKILLS networks, as well as anyone interested in training new generations of data professionals, to join in and contribute with concrete suggestions for a best-practice handbook on how to use CLARIN in teaching and training.

The main goal of this café is to continue the discussions from the CLARIN@Universities workshop on the role of the humanities infrastructures in training and education. The audience will be presented with the preliminary results from the UPSKILLS project, which aims not only to upgrade the skills of students from language-related subjects, but also to develop best practices and guidelines for research-based teaching, including the use of the CLARIN infrastructure for data collection, processing and archiving.

The event will be concluded with a plenary, where the participants will have the opportunity to present the outcomes of their discussions and provide input for the best-practice guidelines.

How to join

You can register by following this link

Recordings, Slides & Blog


14:00-14:05  Opening and CLARIN 101, Francesca Frontini (ILC-CNR and CLARIN

14:05-14:10  UPSKILLS in a Nutshell, Stavros Assimakopoulos (Project Leader UPSKILLS)

14:10-14:20  CLARIN in UPSKILLS, Darja Fišer (CLARIN ERIC) 

14:20-14:30 A new Profile for Language Data and Project Specialists, Maja Miličević Petrović (UNIBO) 

14:30-14:45  Best-Practice Guidelines for Integrating CLARIN in Teaching and Training, Iulianna van der Lek (CLARIN ERIC)

Break (5 min)

14:50-15:15  Group Discussions 

15:15-15:30 Plenary

  • Short Presentations on the Outcomes of the Group Discussions 
  • Wrap-up and Next Steps.