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Atelier Annuel CAHIER 2018

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The French speaking workshop of the CAHIER consortium will be held from 26- 29 June 2018 in Montpellier, France. It will be particularly devoted to the following theme: "Retro-digitization of historical documents and sharing in the Semantic Web: the example of lexicography" . The organization is entrusted to the laboratory Praxiling UMR 5267.

Training and all exchanges will be in principle in French.


The workshop is open to researchers, research professors, engineers, PhD students and documentation specialists involved in digitization projects. and exploitation of heritage documents, or simply interested in the field of digital humanities.

This workshop is co-funded by CLARIN and DARIAH ERIC.

The programme and more information can be found on the CAHIER workshop website (in French).


Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3
Route de Mende
bâtiment Marc Bloch (E)