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Federated Content Search Workshop

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Federated Content Search workshop

The first day will give participants an overview of the construction of a distributed network of language resource search engines ("federated content search"). As a preparatory step an inventory of the current ideas about content search was made. Participants were invited to submit short descriptions with examples of what they consider to be:

  1. a minimal use case: a simple scenario that is still useful to the end users
  2. a more elaborate use case: something with higher requirements, e.g. sophisticated queries that require a closer semantic integration of the sources.

The documents are be published and distributed among the participants, but do not have an official status. They are linked to the presentations as listed on the agenda below. An up to date overview of submitted use cases can be found here.

Report/impression of the workshop: see Jan Odijk's blog.


Time Subject (links to PDF) Speaker/Moderator More information
09:30 Welcome Dieter van Uytvanck  
09:45 Overview Christoph Draxler  
10:00 SRU library Oliver Schonefeld  
11:15 BlackLab Jan Niestadt
11:40 FCS at UPF Marta Villegas  
12:05 CLARIN-D aggregator Yana Panchenko  
12:30 FCS@CLARIN-AT Matej Ďurčo  
14:00 DARIAH General Search Tobias Gradl  
14:30 User Requirements   overview of submitted use cases can be found here
15:45 Discussion and Wrap-Up Christoph Draxler  

The minutes are available as PDF.


Center for Sprogteknologi
Copenhagen University Njalsgade 136
Building 27, room 27.0.47