This toolbox shared via CLARIN-CH offers techniques to help you organise and manage the text production process in its four main phases: Goal Setting, Planning, Checking and Revising. The toolbox is the result of longstanding and broad research into professional writing.
Target Audience: For anyone wanting to improve their academic writing.
Format: YouTube video
URLs: Accessible on YouTube in two languages:
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Organise your workspace to prepare for a smooth and effective writing process.
- Define the goal and topic of your project and text, reducing it to the essentials.
- Outline the writing process and text product with a handful of clear steps.
- Stay in the flow of writing instead of constantly jumping back and forth.
- Use effective self-revision strategies
Daniel Perrin, Marlies Whitehouse
Faculty / University / Country
School of Applied Linguistics, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Writer’s Toolbox, writing process
German, English
Target Audience
Entry-level students of academic writing
Expertise/skills Level Required
Introductory level, no previous expertise required
Structure and Duration
Short video inputs, approximately 2 minutes each
License and (Re)use Information
Available on YouTube
Perrin, D. and Whitehouse, M. (2023) Schreibwerkzeugkasten, YouTube. Available at:
(Accessed: 19 March 2024).
Perrin, D. and Whitehouse, M. (2023) Writer’s Toolbox, YouTube. Available at:
(Accessed: 19 March 2024).
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If you have used this resource in teaching or learning, please share your feedback via training [at] (training[at]clarin[dot]eu).