This section contains a collection of open educational resources demonstrating the use of CLARIN language resources and central services in the curricula of SSH-related disciplines. We distinguish between two main resource types:
- Online Tutorials: These tutorials are freely accessible online and can be used either for self-study materials or included in the university curricula or other training programmes.
- Training Materials: These materials may have been developed within the framework of a summer school, university course, event, or European project, shared via a public repository, and made available for others to reuse.
Each entry is described with a consistent set of metadata based on the RDA Minimal Metadata for Learning Resources, including educators' experience with using the infrastructure in teaching and training.
The resources have also been included in the SSH Training Discovery Toolkit, developed in the SSH Open Cloud project to improve the discoverability of training and learning resources. All resources are released under a Creative Common Licence.
If you would like to receive updates about new learning and training resources, please subscribe to our dedicated mailing list for trainers.
To submit a new resource, please use the application form from the Teaching CLARIN Call page.
1. Online TutorialsThis overview provides examples of online tutorials created by lectureres in the CLARIN network, which can be freely accessed on the authors' websites, included in university curricula or used for self-study. |
Applied Linguistics for Language Professions Authors: Daniel Perrin, Ursula Stadler Gamsa, Oliver Winkler and many others ZWAW School of Applied Linguistics, Switzerland Keywords: language technology, applied linguistics, language professions, artificial intelligence, communication, teaching |
Author: Tuomo Hiippala
Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki, Finland
Keywords: language technology, digital humanities, tutorial, beginner, spaCy, Stanza, Universal Dependencies, introduction
Author: Erik Axelson
Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki, Finland
Keywords: morphology, weighted finite-state networks, two-level rules, xfst, lexc, twolc
Authors: Francesca Frontini, Andrea Bellandi, Valeria Quochi, Monica Monachini, Karlheinz Mörth, Susanne Zhanial, Matej Ďurčo and Anna Woldrich (2022). CLARIN Tools and Resources for Lexicographic Work. Version 1.0.0. DARIAH-Campus. [Training module].
FAIR-by-Design Training for the CLARIN Community Authors: Sonja Filiposka, Anastas Mishev, Athina Anastasopoulou, Francesca Frontini, Giulia Pedonese, Iulianna van der Lek Skills4EOSC project and CLARIN Keywords: FAIR, Skills4EOSC, training materials |
Author: Diana Maynard
Faculty of Engineering, University of Sheffield
Keywords: Natural Language Processing, machine learning, GATE, social media analysis, disinformation, online abuse detection, Python, Deep Learning, information extraction, digital humanities, corpus linguistics, annotation
Author: Koenraad De Smedt
LLE, University of Bergen, Norway
Keywords: Jupyter Notebooks, Python, text processing
Author: Mietta Lennes
Faculty of Humanities, University of Helsinki, Finland
Keywords: phonetics, acoustic phonetics, speech analysis, research methods
Author: Ayla Rigouts Terryn KU Leuven Kulak, Belgium Keywords: language, language models, generative AI, chatbots |
Authors: Jurgita Vaičenonienė, Jolanta Kovalevskaitė, Erika Rimkutė
Faculty of Humanities, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Keywords: Lithuanian language, data-driven learning, collocation teaching, collocation learning, translation of collocations
PARTHENOS Project Learning Materials
Authors: Darja Fiser and Kristina Pahor de Maiti
Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Keywords: parliamentary proceedings, parliamentary corpora, language and gender, digital humanities
Authors: Ajda Pretnar Žagar, Kristina Pahor de Maiti, Darja Fišer
Institute of Contemporary History, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Keywords: topic modelling, LDA, parliamentary debates, text mining
2. Training Materials
Author: Anika Nicolosi and Beatrice Nava
University of Parma, Italy
Keywords: Ancient Greek, fragmentary poetry, textual criticism, text annotation, data science
Author: Zuzana Neverilova
Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Keywords: digital humanities, data-driven research, digital content processing, text processing, image processing, metadata, word embeddings, evaluation, research infrastructures
Linguistic Linked Open Data for Humanists Khan, A. F., Pedonese, G., Mallia, M., Frontini, F., Quochi, V., & Squadrito, E. (2024, July 5). Linguistic Linked Open Data for Humanists. Lisbon Summer School in Linguistics, Lisbon. Zenodo. Keywords: humanities, Semantic Web, linked open data, FAIR language resources, corpora, lexicons |
Author: Rachele Sprugnoli
Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy
Keywords: NLP, computational linguistics, linguistic annotation, language technology, digital humanities
Author: Silvia Calamai and Rosalba Nodari
Faculty of Languages for Intercultural and Business Communication, University of Siena, Italy
Keywords: legacy data, oral archives, transcription, legal and ethical issues
Authors: Esther Hoorn and Henk van den Heuvel
University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Keywords: GDPR, legacy data, re-use, Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
Authors: Multiple authors from the UPSKILLS Consortium
Keywords: linguistics and language-related programmes, language data science, scientific research, project management, analytical thinking, automatic speech recognition, language data collection, standards and repositories, Python, machine learning, text processing, corpora, language variation
Note: The learning content is available for browsing and download from Moodle. Parts of the learning content are also useful for self-study.
Other Educational Resources |
CLARIN Computational Notebooks Computational notebooks (in short notebooks) provide a popular environment for literate programming, especially in education contexts. This also applies to Natural Language Processing ( ). Here is a first overview of how Notebooks have been integrated into CLARIN infrastructure for research and educational purposes. |
ZWAW Applied Linguistics Keywords: professional writing, research notes, communication |