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Fact Sheet: (CLARIN in) ATRIUM

The ATRIUM project in a Nutshell 


Full project name (with link to project page) 

Advancing FronTier Research In the Arts and hUManities (ATRIUM) 


48 months, January 2024 to December 2027

Project coordinator (main applicant)

Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH)


The ATRIUM Consortium is structured around 4 core Research Infrastructures (DARIAH, ARIADNE, CLARIN and OPERAS) with 29 partners (including 12 affiliated entities) from 14 different countries: Austria (OEAW), Belgium (ARIADNE and OPERAS), Cyprus (CYI), the Czech Republic (ARUB, ARUP and CU), Germany (LMU MUENCHEN), France (DARIAH, FOXCUB, INRIA, TOURS), Greece (ATHENA-RC, AUEB, FORTH), Italy (CNR, NET7, PIN, PRISMA), The Netherlands (CLARIN, RADBOUD), Poland (IBL PAN, PSNC), Portugal (LNEC), Serbia (BCDH), Sweden (SND) and the United Kingdom (UoY_ADS, USFD, USW).

Summary of main topic and goals

ATRIUM aims to empower Arts and Humanities scholars in their use of digital methods by facilitating access to a wide range of reusable workflows and interoperable, composable services offered by leading research infrastructures in the Arts and Humanities domain. The goal of the project is to make groundbreaking contributions to the consolidation and expansion of services, including data services, specifically in the field of archaeology.

CLARIN in the Project

CLARIN's role in the work plan

CLARIN is the lead in WP6 "Service Interoperability and Integration". In addition, CLARIN will be involved in - T1.2 Set up and management of project governing bodies - T2.2  Events - T2.4 Impact evaluation - T3.1 Semantic Interoperability - T3.2 Metadata harmonisation and enrichment - T3.3 Fostering data interoperability through use of standards - T7.1 The ATRIUM Skillset Assessment - T7.2 The ATRIUM Bridge - T7.3 The ATRIUM Curriculum.

Person months for CLARIN

CLARIN : 51,5 person months from a total of 1075,25

National CLARIN nodes (in total 168 person months):

  • University of Sheffield (UK): 34 person months
  • Charles University, Prague (CZ): 53 person months
  • LM University, Munich (DE): 12,5 person months
  • Radboud University, Nijmegen (NL): 18,5 person months
  • Athena-RC / ISLP (GR): 50 person months
CLARIN's coordinator for this project

Darja Fišer

Administrative Details

Topic-ID HORIZON-INFRA-2023-SERV-01-02
Type of action HORIZON-RIA
Grant Agreement number 101132163
Internal pages for ATRIUM with WPs, deliverables, distribution of PMs, Events, etc.