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Daan Broeder awarded the 2018 Steven Krauwer Award for CLARIN Achievements

The 2018 Steven Krauwer Award for CLARIN Achievements was awarded to Daan Broeder (Meertens Institute, KNAW).


Motivation of the jury

Ir. Daan Broeder has an excellent track record in the area of language resource infrastructure, dating back from long before CLARIN, with his involvement in the SPIN-ASSP project, the SPEX Speech Expertise Center, his role as coordinator for metadata & archiving solutions at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, his participation in the EU ISLE project, for the development of the metadata set for Language Resources, and as Technical coordinator for the EU DAM-LR project.

He brought his rich knowledge and expertise into CLARIN, in which he was involved from the very start. He participated in the CLARIN EU preparatory phase, where he was responsible for the CLARIN metadata initiative and played a guiding role on some other technical infra aspects, in particular the choice and promotion of Persistent Identifier frameworks and solutions. He was the project leader of various infrastructure projects within the CLARIN-NL project in the Netherlands and is CTO in the CLARIN-NL Executive Board. He is the technical coordinator for WP3 (linguistics) in the Dutch national CLARIAH-CORE project and will play the same role in the successor project CLARIAH-PLUS.

In his home institutes, he was involved in a range of projects and activities that are highly relevant to CLARIN. At the Meertens institute, he became the project leader for technical development, is deputy head of TLA, a unit of the institute specializing in archiving data-sets for linguistic research and developing archiving software and e-infrastructure solutions (together with MPI and ). He currently is consultant and project manager at the KNAW Humanities Cluster Digital Infrastructure department.

At the European level, he participated in a range of infrastructure related projects: he was Work package leader in European , Metadata Task force leader and metadata coordinator in , leader of WP4 in EUDAT2020, Task leader for integrating community services in PARTHENOS, and will also play a role in the new SSHOC project.

Moreover, he participated in the Research Data Alliance ( ) as co-chair of the Data Type Registry (DTR) and FIMig (Federated Identity Management Interest Group), as well as in a few other RDA Working Groups. He is member of ISO TC37/SC4, the ISO technical committee developing standards for Language Resource management, where he is responsible for: ISO 24619:2011 PISA (Persistent Identification and Sustainable Access) and ISO 24622-1 CMDI (Component Metadata Infrastructure).

Daan has been active in various CLARIN committees and task forces: CLARIN Centre Committee, CLARIN Standardization task force, reviewer for the CLARIN Annual Conference.

Daan’s contributions are both on a technical level and a non-technical level. He made a wide range of presentations and publications, both inside and outside of the CLARIN community and initiated and co-organised a wide range of workshops.

Daan made outstanding contributions toward CLARIN goals and therefore deserves the Steven Krauwer Award 2018, in the category CLARIN Achievement.

The award ceremony

The 5th edition of the award ceremony took place at the annual CLARIN Annual Conference in Pisa, Italy.

The Steven Krauwer Award for CLARIN Achievements was initiated in 2017. As of this year multiple awards can be awarded. This year there were no nominations for the Steven Krauwer Award for Young Scientist Award.

The awards, named in honor of Steven Krauwer (the first executive director of CLARIN ) are given annually to outstanding scientists or engineers in recognition of outstanding contributions toward CLARIN goals in the areas of language resource building, tool or service development, exemplary use cases, user involvement or knowledge sharing. Apart from the honour the winners receive an official certifcate.


Watch the interview with Daan Broeder on the occasion of his Steven Krauwer Award