Vision & Mission
CLARIN’s Vision: All digital language resources and tools from all over Europe and beyond are accessible through a on-line environment for the support of researchers in the humanities and social sciences.
CLARIN’s Mission: Create and maintain an infrastructure to support the sharing, use and sustainability of language data and tools for research in the humanities and social sciences.
Strategy 2024-2026
'Language as Social and Cultural Data: Enhanced Infrastructural Support for Research Using Language Materials in the Era of AI'

CLARIN’s 2024-2026 strategy was launched at the end of 2023, after a thorough consultative process with the Board of Directors, the National Coordinators' Forum, all committee chairs and representatives from the CLARIN Central Hub. The new strategy builds on CLARIN’s successes and achievements over the past strategy period (2020-2023), and also takes into account developments in the Research Infrastructure landscape, as well as broader trends in the EU’s data strategy.
CLARIN’s strategic implementation agenda has been designed to improve open access, support exploitation, foster connectivity and stimulate integration. It also aims to capitalise on CLARIN’s potential to provide solutions to global challenges with strengthened efforts towards EU sovereignty in critical and emerging technologies, including those relevant to the fair green and digital transition. The new strategy is aligned with the ERA Policy Agenda 2022-2024 and the EC’s recently published Data Act.
CLARIN continues to forge strategic partnerships at local, national and international levels and remains committed to enabling high-quality research and innovation by providing sustainable access to language data and tools. Key objectives for the coming three-year period include broadening CLARIN’s user base for both academic and non-academic users, improving interoperability and accessibility of language resources, as well as collaboration and knowledge exchange both within and beyond the CLARIN network.
Read the full strategy document.
The CLARIN 2024-2026 strategy is based on three key pillars, with several focus areas: