CLARIN Annual Conference 2021: Available Materials
The 2021 edition of the CLARIN Annual Conference (27-29 September) was organised as a virtual event where more than 400 registered participants got access to high quality content over the course of three days.
Most of the conference materials have been made available on the CLARIN website:
- CLARIN2021 Conference Proceedings
- Visual highlights of Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3
- CLARIN2021 Twitter Moment
- All additional materials such as presentations and slides can be found on the Conference Programme page
Vacancy at CLARIN ERIC: Member of the Board of Directors
As of January 2022 the CLARIN European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CLARIN ) will have an opening for the position of member of the Board of Directors (20% FTE) who will work closely together with the other directors. The appointment will be for a term of two years, with the possibility of prolongation for another term of two years. The application deadline is 31 October 2021. Read the full vacancy
Belgium Joins CLARIN ERIC as a Member
We are very pleased to announce that Belgium has joined CLARIN as a member!
The Belgian CLARIN consortium CLARIN-BE is led by the Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal (INT) which is already a CLARIN-B centre: CLARIN technical centre for Flanders. Vincent Vandeghinste is the national coordinator for CLARIN-BE.
The focus of CLARIN-BE will mainly be on the inclusion of tools and resources which are currently not present in the CLARIN infrastructure. Work in CLARIN-BE is currently funded through the Flemish CLARIAH-VL Research Infrastructure project, which is a cooperation with the DARIAH-BE consortium. Read More
B-centre Re-certification of ACDH-CH
We are pleased to announce that the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities - A Resource Centre for the HumanitiEs (ACDH-CH) has been successfully re-assessed as a CLARIN B-centre and has received a renewed B-centre certificate.
ACDH-CH has been bringing together two focal points of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in one institute pursuing (a) basic research in the humanities in long-term projects for the development and preservation of cultural heritage and (b) research in the methodological and theoretical paradigms of digital documentation, processing, research and visualisation of the digital humanities. Within ACDH-CH, both pillars are expected to increasingly cross-fertilise each other and, thus, contribute to the development of joint work on the rich treasure of Europe's cultural memory.
CLARIN congratulates ACDH-CH and thanks all persons involved, in particular those responsible for the B-centre and the members of the assessment committee.
Launch of CLARIN Impact Stories
In this new series CLARIN showcases high-quality and innovative research that uses CLARIN tools and resources. Our first impact story features the Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon DHH21: ‘Parliamentary Debates in COVID Times’. Read More
Tour de CLARIN: Interview with Thomas Gaillat
This month, Tour de CLARIN presents an interview with Thomas Gaillat, who is a lecturer in corpus linguistics and a teacher of English for specific purposes. As a member of the LIDILE lab, he is part of the steering committee of the French CORLI K-centre. Most of his work involves the development of multilingual corpora, in particular learner corpora as resources for language training purposes and as sources for the training of future language teachers. He has also performed qualitative research on L2-learner corpora. Read More
CLARIN Resource Families: Conceptual Resources
There are 29 conceptual resources in the CLARIN infrastructure. Most (22) of the conceptual resources are monolingual, covering 14 languages, while the rest (7) include both bilingual and multilingual language combinations. See the overview
Updates from the National Consortia
FIN-CLARIN and the Language Bank of Finland, YLE and VAKE won the PRIX EUROPA Best European Digital Audio Project of the Year 2021
FIN-CLARIN and the Language Bank of Finland together with YLE (Finnish National Broadcasting Company) and VAKE (Finnish National Development Agency) won the Best European Digital Audio Project of the Year 2021 for their collaboration in the Donate Speech campaign, where 4000 hours of everyday speech were collected and of which 1500 h have already been transcribed for use in academic and industrial research.
To this year's competition, 268 media organisations (from 26 countries) submitted a total of 684 outstanding productions which have been listened to or screened over the last 12 weeks. The submissions were made by a group of independent experts who do not belong to any broadcaster and do not have an entry of their own. Each submission was evaluated at least twice in written form, using the parameters of the particular PRIX EUROPA voting sheet for each category. Read more
Digital Humanities Lab Develops Digital Toolset for Major European Research Project
Watch This!
CLARIN2021: Keynote by Marco Passarotti
Watch the keynote by Marco Passarotti From Punched Cards to Linguistic Linked Data ...Through Infrastructures. This session took place on 27 September during the first conference day of CLARIN2021. For more detailed information and slides visit the CLARIN2021 programme page.
Events & Calls
CLARIN Café - Text and Data Mining Exception in the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market
28 October 2021 from 14:00 to 16:00, Virtual Event
In this edition of the CLARIN Café, organised by the CLARIN Committee on Legal and Ethical Issues (CLIC), legal experts and seasoned practitioners from the CLARIN community will explain the content of the Text and Data Mining (TDM) exceptions in the constraints for the use of data, and in particular the statutory exceptions for Text and Data Mining (TDM). The ‘right to mine’, i.e. the possibility to analyse copyright-protected material using digital methods without having to ask right holders for permission (and, usually, pay for it), is something that the scientific community in general, and the CLARIN community in particular, fought for for over a decade. This café will try to provide insights into the rationale of such exceptions, and analyse their impact on language resources and research infrastructures. You are welcome to join the discussion!
Learn more about the café and register
Data Management for FAIR CMC Corpora
27 October 2021, from 10:00 to 16:00, Virtual Event
The virtual workshop 'Data Management for FAIR CMC Corpora' is held in conjunction with the CMC corpora 2021 conference. The workshop, organised with the support of CLARIN, will be held on Wednesday 27 October (the day before the conference) and will detail important aspects of data management as it applies to CMC corpora, for example, how data should be collected, which metadata to record, which data formats are advisable, and which legal concerns need to be considered when CMC corpora are supposed to be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable at the end of a project. The workshop is aimed at early career researchers or researchers who are about to start a new project in the field of CMC corpora. Read More
Second Dutch Meeting on Clinical NLP
Tuesday 2 November, from 12:00 to 17:00, Radboud University Nijmegen
Everyone interested in clinical Natural Language Processing ( ) is welcomed to join the 2nd Dutch meeting on Clinical NLP on Tuesday 2 November 2021, from 12:00 to 17:00h at the Huygens building (room HG00.303) of Radboud University in Nijmegen. The meeting will address recent advances in the usage of NLP on Clinical data. You can register at this link before Wednesday 27 october. Read More
Go-TRIPLE Hackathon
The organisers are still looking for participants with expertise regarding the German, Croatian or Portuguese languages in particular. Registration
Digital Language Equality 2030: Implications for Libraries, Collections, and their Users. The Visions of the ELE Project
18 November 2021, from 13:30, Virtual Event
The ELE Project is organising the workshop ‘Digital Language Equality 2030: Implications for Libraries, Collections, and their Users’ on 18 November 2021. The topic of the discussion will be partially based on the recent ELE Deliverable ‘Report on existing strategic documents and projects in LT/AI’. The invited speakers are German Rigau (HiTZ Basque Center for Language Technologies, INTELE Network) and Jean François Nominé (INIST, CNRS), the event will be moderated by Maria Eskevich (CLARIN ERIC).
The organisers welcome participants from the library community, with experience in using language technology in relation to their sector. More information on the event and the link to the registration will follow soon on the news section on the CLARIN website.
TRIPLE Conference: Empowering Discovery in Open Social Sciences and Humanities
22-24 November 2021, Virtual Event
The TRIPLE project organises its first conference entitled ‘Empowering Discovery in Open Social Sciences and Humanities’, with the goal to create space for discussing the impact, benefits and challenges of discovery services for the social sciences and humanities in the European research ecosystem. Read more
SSHOC Workshop: FAIR SSH Data Citation
3 December 2021, from 14:00 to 15:07, Virtual Event
Data citation in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) can be a rather complicated task. The SSHOC project has a specific task with regard to citation and persistent identification for the SSH. CLARIN participated in events such as the Data-Citation in Practice Workshop and the Round Table of Experts on Data Citation showing that using Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) for data-citation is already well advanced. However in general challenges remain such as the incompleteness of existing citation methods and their machine actionability. To address this problem, and as a follow-up to the SSHOC project’s inventory of citation practices, work is being carried out to create recommendations and software to make SSH data-sets citable, visualise and exploit citations, and provide facilities for the curation and semantic annotation of these resources.
This webinar will focus on practical aspects of SSH citation based on these recommendations, and more specifically on:
- the value/necessity of data citation;
- the “FAIR SSH Citation prototype” and other existing tools;
- practical advice on how to cite SSH data;
- a new model for data-based scholarship.
DH Benelux 2022: RE-MIX. Creation and alteration in DH - Call for Papers
1-3 June 2022, University of Luxembourg, Hybrid Event
The annual DH Benelux conference serves as a platform for the community of interdisciplinary Digital Humanities researchers to meet, present and discuss their latest research findings and to demonstrate tools and projects.
Submissions of abstracts on any aspect of Digital Humanities: practical experimentation, theorising, cross- and multidisciplinary work, and new and relevant developments are welcomed. This year, the conference’s central theme is ‘RE-MIX: creation and alteration in DH’ (alluding to the theme of the European Capital of Culture, Esch-sur-Alzette). Of particular interest are contributions that consider the use, re-use, revision/alteration and diffusion/dissemination of ideas, cultural artefacts and/or data.
The call is open to all colleagues working in the Arts & Humanities, the (Social) Sciences, and the heritage sector with an interest and enthusiasm in the application and use of digital technologies. Submissions are welcome from researchers at all career stages. In addition, humanities scholars, developers, computer and information scientists as well as art galleries, librarians, archivists and museum curators ( ) are welcomed to submit.
Deadline for submitting abstracts: Friday 4 February 2022 (23:59 CET) Read more
Workshop: Beyond Ctrl-F - Automating Searches in Large Textual Corpora
29 October from 15:00 to 16:15, Virtual Event
How can you move from searching manually – using Ctrl-F – to automated searches in large textual corpora? It is a question that concerns many humanities scholars at the moment. In the webinar ‘Beyond Ctrl-F: Automating Searches in Large Textual Corpora’ organised on 29 October by the Centre for Digital Humanities at Utrecht University, historians Dirk van Miert and dr. Liliana Melgar will demonstrate, with practical examples and hands-on activities, how to search simultaneously in a large number of digitized texts. They will use the ERC Consolidator project on the ‘Republic of Letters’ as an example of how they address challenges related to text mining techniques.
Computational Humanities Research Conference - Registration
17-19 November 2021, Virtual Event
The registration for the second Computational Humanities Research conference is now open. The Computational Humanities Research (CHR) community is an international and interdisciplinary community that supports researchers with an interest in computational approaches to the humanities. The 2021 edition of the conference will be held online. Read More
Time Machine Conference - Save the Date
22-23 November 2021, Virtual Event
The annual meeting of the Time Machine network and the General Assembly of the Time Machine Organisation will take place on 22 November from 13:30 to 17:00 and on 23 November from 9.00 to 11.00 online. The conference web page with the detailed programme will be live soon. Registration
Job Openings
Front-end Developer - Humanities Cluster KNAW - Amsterdam
The Digital Infrastructure department at the KNAW Humanities Cluster in Amsterdam is looking for a front-end developer to strengthen its development teams. The department designs and builds open source software that allows scholars to address new research questions using innovative methods. If you are a front-end developer with the necessary experience, you love history and you like to work in a research environment, you are invited to respond to this vacancy. Read more
ACDH-CH is Currently Recruiting for the Following Profiles
IT Consultant – Digital Humanities Research
with a degree in either information technology or a subject in the field of humanities and experience working on projects at the intersection of the humanities and information technology.
Frontend Web Developer, Vue.JS/React
with experience in designing and implementing web applications using Vue.JS or React, good command of modern JavaScript development tools and knowledge of web architectures, standards and protocols, for user-oriented development of JavaScript-based web applications for collaborative authoring, managing and publishing of research data.
System Administrator
with expertise in server administration and knowledge of continuous deployment especially (but not limited to) using GitHub actions and GitLab Auto DevOps.
Academy Scientist
with a PhD in musicology, experience with music and source editions, and familiarity with Baroque music specifically in central Europe, for the long-term project Johann Joseph Fux – Werke.