CLARIN Annual Conference 2019: Summary
The CLARIN Annual Conference 2019 that took place in Leipzig, Germany from 30 September to 10 October 2019, was attended by 231 participants. CLARIN2019 was organized for the wider Humanities and Social Sciences communities in order to exchange ideas and experiences with the CLARIN infrastructure.
On the CLARIN Annual Conference 2019 page, you can find links to the programme, book of abstracts, conference proceedings and more. To follow up on CLARIN2019 activity on Twitter see our Twitter Moment.
We would like to thank all participants for making CLARIN2019 a success!
Read the full CLARIN2019 summary
Tour de CLARIN: Bulgaria
This month ‘Tour de CLARIN’ visited Bulgaria. Bulgaria has been a founding member of CLARIN since 2012. In 2014, following the strategic plan of the Bulgarian Government and Ministry of Education and Science, the CLARIN and DARIAH infrastructures merged into a single infrastructure called CLaDA-BG (CLARIN and DARIAH in Bulgaria) and obtained funding in 2018.
CLARIN ERIC and Time Machine join forces for a research and innovation partnership promoting the future of European cultural heritage
CLARIN ERIC and Time Machine have decided to join forces to facilitate scholarly and wider access to cultural heritage by reinforcing existing synergies regarding their aims, activities, and resources.
Time Machine is a Large-Scale Research Initiative (LRSI) built around the vision to develop the Big Data of the Past; it is a distributed digital information system mapping the European social, cultural and geographical evolution. While CLARIN provides access to a variety of human language data types and the tools to research their various dimensions, Time Machine aims to unlock the information on the broader historical and cultural context in which European languages have evolved.
PORTULAN CLARIN K-Centre officially recognized as CLARIN Knowledge centre
CLARIN-ERIC is proud to announce that the PORTULAN CLARIN K-Centre, the CLARIN Knowledge Centre for the Science and Technology of the Portuguese Language has been officially recognized as a CLARIN K-Centre.
The thematic area of the PORTULAN CLARIN K-Centre is the Science and Technology of the Portuguese Language. Related to the Portuguese language, it covers all topics, from Phonetics to Discourse and Dialogue. It considers all language functions, from communicative performance to cultural expression, approached by all disciplines, from Theoretical Linguistics to Language Technology. It also covers all language variants, from national standard varieties across the world to dialects of professional groups and takes into account all media of representation, from audio to brain imageology recordings.
Parthenos Training Suite, African Languages and Digital Humanities
On 5 September 2019, SADiLaR, in collaboration with CLARIN (Parthenos initiative) and DHASA, presented a training workshop on the use of the Parthenos Suite in African Language studies of and Digital Humanities. The workshop provided the participants with an overview of Digital Scholarship/Digital Humanities in the domain of linguistics and literature studies, an introduction to tools and platforms used in Digital Humanities, such as the Parthenos Training Suite, and specific practical skills to use of Voyant-tools for analysing text data.
Two esteemed members of CLARIN, Bente Maegaard and Steven Krauwer, presented during this workshop. SADiLaR members, Menno van Zaanen, Rooweither Mabuya and Mmasibidi Setaka, also gave presentations and training sessions.
The workshop was very well received. Some feedback from participants:
“These types of workshops are really helpful and they play a significant role in assisting researchers in finding apps/tools to use in data analysis”.
“The workshop was pleasantly informative. The things I’ve learned are relevant to my field of study – so I am very grateful”.
Transc&Anno: A Graphical Tool for the Transcription and On-the-Fly Annotation of Handwritten Documents
Written by Nadezda Okinina
Nadezda Okinina (Eurac Research, Italy), the developer of the Transc&Anno, led a CLARIN workshop about the tool during the 5th Learner Corpus Research conference in Warsaw.
Natural Language Processing for Historical Documents – a workshop report
Experts on tools for working with historical documents met in Berlin in September for a CLARIN workshop to exchange ideas, experiences about tools and methods. The outputs included a draft resource guide, and a plan of action to integrate more tools into the CLARIN infrastructure.
ESU: A ten-year success story
What started as a five days conference with four workshops in 2009, celebrated the 10th anniversary this year. We are talking about the European Summer University in Digital Humanities “Culture and Technology” (ESU) at the University of Leipzig.
Here an overview of ESU in numbers and data: during the eleven days in which ESU took place (23 July - 8 August 2019), 92 participants between whom students, young scholars, researchers, members of different Universities and others interested in the large field of the Digital Humanities, came to Leipzig to join one of the eleven workshops offered this year. Of the eleven workshops, four where supported by CLARIN ERIC and offered by experts from the CLARIN-D environment.
Farewell Bente Maegaard (former vice-executive director CLARIN ERIC)
CLARIN ERIC and the whole CLARIN community thanks Bente Maegaard very warmly. Bente was involved in CLARIN from the early days onwards and she served as the first vice Executive Director of CLARIN ERIC after the ERIC's establishment in 2012 until September 2019.
During Bente’s farewell, that took place at the CLARIN 2019 conference, a video was shown in which several CLARIN colleagues honour Bente for her many contributions to CLARIN.
You can also find out Bente Maegaard’s perspective on CLARIN by watching this interview
SADiLaR celebrates the 11 official languages of South Africa
As part of UNESCO's celebration of indigenous languages, SADiLaR is celebrating the 11 official languages of South Africa by assigning each language to a month of the year. SADiLaR is hosting language celebration events at various universities in South Africa to share ideas and raise awareness of these languages and to work on the development of language resources.
The upcoming celebration events are:
- October: the celebration of Siswati
- November: the celebration of isiNdebele
Call for applications extended for Executive Masters in Management of Research Infrastructures
To give more people a chance to join the master course for Executive Masters in Management of Research Infrastructures (EMMRI), the Faculty of EMMRI has decided to extend the deadline of the call for applications to 31 October 2019.
EMMRI is an international management development programme tailored to the specific needs of Research Infrastructures. This programme is designed to give experienced science professionals the skills and knowledge they need to take on greater managerial responsibilities. Don’t miss the chance to improve your managerial skills!
Open Applications at The Netherlands eScience Center
Are you a researcher with solid software development skills? The eScienceCenter is always looking for new eScience engineers from every discipline to strengthen their team and help them use software to enhance academic research.