Darja Fišer Appointed Vice Executive Director CLARIN ERIC
Darja Fišer has recently taken up the post of Vice Executive Director of CLARIN . She has taken over from Bente Maegaard, who fulfilled the position till September 2019.
As Vice Executive Director, Darja Fišer will continue to strengthen the visibility of CLARIN and foster knowledge sharing within existing user communities. She will also work on widening the disciplinary outreach and streamlining CLARIN’s functionality to meet the requirements of researchers, educators and students.
Tour de CLARIN: Bulgaria
This month ‘Tour de CLARIN’ visited Bulgaria that has been a founding member of CLARIN ERIC since 2012. The recent Tour de CLARIN blog posts include an introduction to CLaDA-BG (CLARIN and DARIAH in Bulgaria), the resource Bulgarian Child Language Corpus and the tool BTB-Pipe, a language pipeline for Bulgarian.
Read more about Tour de CLARIN
Launch of Language Technology Program for Icelandic
CLARIN-IS was one of the organizers of a conference celebrating the launch of the Language Technology Program for Icelandic on 16 October 2019. The President of Iceland and the Minister of Education, Science and Culture addressed the event and a number of people from academia, IT companies, mass media and the finance sector gave short talks. Bente Maegaard, who is a member of the Program‘s Expert Panel along with Kadri Vider and Steven Krauwer, gave a presentation on CLARIN. Around 120 people attended the conference. View the conference program (in Icelandic)
Distant Reading Novel Collections Released in ELTeC Version 0.5.0
One of the principal aims of COST Action Distant Reading for European Literary History is to build a multilingual European Literary Text Collection (ELTeC), ultimately containing around 2,500 full-text novels in at least 10 different languages. The first public release of ELTeC version 0.5.0 includes nine language collections.
Workshop: CLARIN@universities
The Knowledge Sharing Infrastructure Committee of CLARIN ERIC organized the CLARIN@universities workshop on the experience of representatives from national consortia with the integration of CLARIN content into university programs. Twenty experts and national coordinators took part in the workshop.
CLARIN Seminars on Legal Issues in Pisa
The CLARIN Mobility Grant helped to organise the competency building seminars and case study sessions with the aim to enhance competencies relating to legal aspects of language research and strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation within CLARIN.
CLARIN Ambassador Francesca Frontini - Interview at CLARIN2019 in Leipzig
Meet one of the first appointed CLARIN Ambassadors: Francesca Frontini, Associate professor at Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III, and discover what she has achieved in her targeted community thanks to the ambassador program.
Workshop Twin Talks 2: Understanding and Facilitating Collaboration in DH at DHN 2020
17 March 2020, Riga, Latvia
The main objective of the workshop is to get a better understanding of the dynamics on the Digital Humanities work floor where humanities scholars and digital experts meet and work in tandem to solve humanities research questions.
Submissions are invited for two types of talks:
- For the Twin Talks: pairs of a humanities and a digital expert who have done joint research and who want to report on their work and on their collaboration experience.
- For the Teach Talks: people (not necessarily in pairs) with relevant experience in or ideas about how to address cross-discipline collaboration in university or other curricula.
We especially invite submissions from researchers, professionals, educators, and Research Infrastructure operators with a special interest in creating the conditions where humanities scholars and technical experts can fruitfully collaborate in answering humanities research questions .
The submission deadline for workshop papers is 6 January 2020.
Travel Grants for the 15th RDA Plenary Meeting
Europe is offering up to 7 Early Careers and 5 Experts grants designed to support participation to the 15th RDA Plenary meeting.
- Call for Early Career Researchers and Scientists working with Data
- Call for Researchers and Data Experts
The submission deadline for both calls is 3 February 2020, 17:00 CET.
The 15th Plenary Meeting of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) with the theme "Data for Real-World Impact", will take place from 18 - 20 March 2020 in Melbourne, Australia.