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CLARIN Newsflash March 2021

Introducing Iulianna van der Lek: New Training and Education Officer CLARIN ERIC

CLARIN is pleased to welcome Iulianna van der Lek as the new Training and Education Officer. 

Iulianna will work closely with the CLARIN community to develop the CLARIN Training Suite and the Trainer Network. She will collaborate with university lecturers from the humanities and social sciences disciplines to accelerate the further integration of CLARIN into university curricula. In addition, she is coordinating CLARIN's activities in the UPSKILLS project, an ERASMUS+ initiative that aims at upgrading the skills of Linguistics and Language Students.

Read more

CLARIN2021: Keynote Speaker Announcement

We are delighted to announce that Elena González-Blanco (General Manager of Europe at CoverWallet, Director and Founder of LINHD, Spain) will be one of the keynote speakers for the 10th CLARIN Annual Conference.  

Marco Passarotti (Director of the CIRCSE Research Centre, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milano, Italy) and Tomáš Mikolov (senior researcher leading a new group studying unsupervised learning inspired by evolutionary principles at CIIRC of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic) will also present their keynote during the conference.

Please note that the call for abstracts for CLARIN2021 is still open. You can submit your proposals until 14 April 2021.

Read the full call for abstracts


Call for Submissions "Teaching CLARIN in Times of Corona" 

CLARIN has launched a special call for submissions "Teaching CLARIN in Times of Corona".

This call aims to acknowledge and showcase the efforts made by teachers, lecturers and trainers throughout the CLARIN network to meet the education needs during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

CLARIN calls for submissions of recently developed training materials in any disciplines or topics relevant for CLARIN, provided one or more CLARIN resources were used in the course and referred to in the syllabus.

All relevant submissions will be showcased on the CLARIN website, for the purpose of sharing best practices and examples suitable for reuse. In addition, three submissions will be selected for the Teaching CLARIN award, and will receive the sum of 350 euros each. The award ceremony will be hosted during CLARIN Annual Conference 2021.

The deadline for submissions is 1 June 2021.

Read the full call

Registration for Upcoming CLARIN Cafés Now Open

The following CLARIN Café’s are now open for registration:

  • CLARIN Café on the Rights of Data Subjects in Language Resources. This café is devoted specifically to the rights of data subjects in the GDPR and will take place in virtual form on 30 March from 14:00 till 16:00 (CEST). Learn more about the café and register 
  • CLARIN Café: Drinking Coffee in the Afternoon with Czech CLARINThe two nodes of CLARIN Czech, LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ and the Czech National Corpus show their unique expertise in combining data, tools and services. This café takes place in virtual form on 15 April  from 14:00 till 16:00 (CEST). Learn more about the café and register 
  • CLARIN Café on Linguistic Linked Data. This café will be devoted to the role that Linguistic Linked Data (LLD) can play in the CLARIN Infrastructure, discussing how the LLD approach can be used to improve the interoperability between the (many) resources stored in CLARIN. The café takes place in virtual form on 29 April from 14:00 till 16:00 (CEST). Learn more about the café and register 

Read more about the CLARIN Café Initiative 


Tour de CLARIN: France

The CoLaJE corpus is one of the most prominent CLARIN-FR resources, which pieces together the emergence and development of communication and language in young children, using an interdisciplinary and multimodal approach. Read all about the resource in the blogpost Tour de CLARIN: CoLaJE Corpus

Read more about Tour de CLARIN

CLARIN Resource Families: Parliamentary Corpora

The CLARIN Resource Families initiative provides a user-friendly overview of the available language resources in the CLARIN infrastructure for researchers from digital humanities, social sciences and human language technologies. 

This month CLARIN highlights the parliamentary corpora, a set of language resources that has a lot of added value for multidisciplinary research and many research perspectives, including not only political science, but also sociology, history, psychology, and applicative approaches to linguistics, for instance, critical discourse analysis.

The CLARIN infrastructure offers access to 26 parliamentary corpora, covering almost all of the languages spoken in countries that are either members or observers in CLARIN

In the further development of this resource family, special attention is currently given to the extension with debates regarding the Covid-19 outbreak. For details see the webpage on the ParlaMint project, aimed at developing comparable corpora for parliamentary data.

See the overview


The CMDI Sessions - Session #1: Metadata Creation

CLARIN will organize a series of informal sessions (bring your own coffee) about metadata in our infrastructure: The Sessions. The first session will take place on 19 April 2021 at 14:00 CEST and will focus on the topic of Metadata Creation. There will be a few short presentations and plenty of time after that to discuss the topic of the session. 

The sessions are not intended as an introduction to CMDI, but everyone is welcome to attend and join the discussions, regardless of their level of knowledge, experience or involvement with metadata in CLARIN. You are more than welcome to bring in your own related topics or questions!


Poll: what do you know and think about metadata creation for CLARIN?

We are interested in your experience, knowledge and thoughts regarding metadata creation for CLARIN. If you have a few minutes, we would really appreciate it if you could fill out our short poll.



Principles of User-centered Operation Published by PORTULAN CLARIN

To foster the trust and commitment of users PORTULAN, the Portuguese CLARIN consortium,  has just published the principles of user-centered operation that have been adopted by PORTULAN. Read more about these principles

CLARIN-PL Launched Newly Redesigned Website

CLARIN-PL has launched a newly redesigned website. The improved design will help visitors navigate the website more easily. Visit the new CLARIN-PL website 

CLARIAH-NL Data Story ‘The 'Spanish' flu in The Netherlands’

From Linked Data to data story, discover the spatial, temporal, and social distribution of the 1918-19 ‘Spanish’ flu epidemic in the Netherlands. Read more  




How Not to Spill Coffee on Your Tapes. Recap on the CLARIN Café on Best Practices for Preserving Oral Archives

The online CLARIN Café - How Not to Spill Coffee on Your Tapes. Best Practices for Preserving Oral Archive took place on 24 February 2021 and was organized as a  collaboration between CLARIN ERIC and the SSHOC project. During the café some best practices for preserving oral sources were discussed. 

Read all about the café in this blogpost (recordings are included).

Find out more about the CLARIN Cafés 



CLARIN2020: Annotation and Visualization Tools

Watch the moderator-led papers session on "Annotation and Visualization Tools''​ chaired by Stelios Piperidis and Koenraad De Smedt. This session took place on 5 October 2020 during the first virtual conference day of CLARIN2020. For more detailed information visit the CLARIN2020 programme page and Book of Abstracts


Call for Submissions: Special Issue LRE Journal on Language Technology Platforms

Submissions are invited for papers to a special issue of the journal “Language Resources and Evaluation” (LRE) on Language Technology platforms. 

This Special Issue aims to address all smaller and larger language grids, language-related infrastructures and platforms (including general and domain-specific) as well as research projects that touch upon one or more of the topics mentioned below, both in Europe and world-wide. 

The goal of the Special Issue is to assemble submissions from representatives of relevant initiatives and interested parties to present their observations, experiences, solutions, best practices as well as current and future challenges. 

The deadline for submissions is 31 April 2021.

Read the full call

International Annual Meeting on Computer-Assisted Translation and Terminology (JIAMCATT 202I) 
19-23 April 2021, Virtual event

JIAMCATT 2021 is seeking proposals for presentations from academia about innovative developments and research in the language technology field. Topics of interest:

  • Language use in specific domains (e.g. legal document translation)
  • Language processing topics: e.g. speech recognition and speech analysis, machine translation, machine learning and AI, processing of parallel corpora, text mining, summarization, information extraction, conversational interfaces and chatbots etc.)
  • Data type: term banks, term visualization, thesauri, language models, translation memories.
  • Language data processing, e.g. parliamentary records.
  • Big data analysis, data management and ethics.

To submit a proposal, please complete the online form. The deadline for submissions is 31 March 2021.

Read more 

Registration Open for Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon #DHH2021
19 - 28 May 2021, Virtual event

Registration is open for the 2021 edition of the Helsinki Digital Humanities hackathon (#DHH21). CLARIN ERIC will be present with two themes:  

  1. The collaboration between CLARIN, WageIndicator and the SSHOC project: 
    Ex­plor­a­tion of society through the lens of la­bour mar­ket re­lated doc­u­ment­a­tion - comparing the coverage, style and subjects discussed in collective labour agreements from more than 50 countries.
  2. The CLARIN funded project ParlaMint: 
    Par­laMint: com­par­able cor­pora of par­lia­ment­ary de­bates - comparing parliamentary debates before and during Covid-19 across multiple European parliaments from linguistic, sociological, political and computational perspectives.

CLARIN encourages participation of researchers and students from various disciplines that are part of the ParlaMint and WageIndicator communities.

The application deadline is 31 March 2021.

More information and registration


Save the Date: Practical Workshop SSHOC’ing Drama in the Cloud at LIBER2021
23 June 2021,13:30-15:30 (CEST), Virtual event

Maria Eskevich and Francesca Frontini will organize the practical workshop SSHOC’ing drama in the cloud at the upcoming LIBER 2021 Online Conference, 23-25 June

The workshop objective is to equip the participating librarians with some general knowledge on how researchers in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) can benefit from the resources and services offered by SSH research infrastructures for producing and exploiting highly encoded historical textual data.  

A corpus of theatrical play texts from the 17th and 18th century covering examples in three languages (English, French, and Spanish) will be presented as a use case. This use case is based on ongoing work carried out within the SSHOC project (WP3).

The general registration is now open. After registration, participation in the workshop needs to be scheduled separately via LIBER's online scheduling platform.

Find out more and register  


European Summer University in Digital Humanities “Culture & Technology”
3 -13 August 2021, University Leipzig, Germany

The European Summer University “Culture & Technology” (ESU 2021) will be organised together with the Forum Digital Humanities Leipzig (FDHL). 

As in former years the Summer University takes place across 11 whole days. The intensive programme consists of workshops, teaser sessions, public lectures, regular project presentations, a poster session and a panel discussion. 

In case a face to face event is not possible due to the pandemic, a plan B will be put in place which could either mean having a hybrid event or a fully virtual one. 

The important dates for registration are expected to be announced on 1 April 2021.

Read more



32nd European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information - ESSLLI 2021
26 July -13 August, 2021, Virtual event

The European Summer School (ESSLLI 2021) offers an excellent program of courses and workshops and the well established Student SessionIn view of the online format, the program is spread over three weeks so as to facilitate attendance.

More information


Call for Participation for DARIAH Annual Event 2021: Interfaces 
7-9 September 2021, Virtual event

The ‘DARIAH Annual Event 2021: Interfaces’ aims to discuss the role that interfaces play in the arts and humanities. To what extent do they enable new research, and at the same time, do they also limit research possibilities? How is content/information changed while being transmitted by interfaces? How do interfaces reframe the roles of those using them, their roles as producer and/or consumer of interfaces? 

Researchers and research projects (finished or ongoing) are invited to present work that deals with the topic of interfaces in a broad sense. 

The deadline for submissions is 18 April 2021. 

Read the full call 


Call for Papers: 2nd Computational Humanities Research Conference 
17-19 November 2021, Virtual event

The call for papers for the Computational Humanities Research Conference 2021 (CHR2021) is open. 

CHR2021 is organized by the Computational Humanities Research (CHR) community, an international and interdisciplinary community that supports researchers with an interest in computational approaches to the humanities.The conference aims at:

  1. Building a community of scholars working on humanities research questions relying on a wide range of computational and quantitative approaches to humanities data in all its forms.
  2. Promoting good practices through sharing “research stories”. Such as, the publication of code and data in order to support transparency and replication of studies; pre-registering research design to present theoretical justification, hypotheses, and proposed statistical analysis etc.

The deadline for submissions is 2 July 2021

Read the full call



Chair of Multilingual Computational Linguistics (W3)
University of Passau, Germany 

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Passau invites applications for the tenured civil-service post of Chair of Multilingual Computational Linguistics (W3).  

The University of Passau is seeking an expert of international renown to represent the subject of multilingual computational linguistics with a focus on automated language processing methods in teaching and research. 

To be considered, your application must reach the University by 28 March 2021.

Read the full job description


Temporary Position in Language Infrastructure
University of Bergen, Norway

The University of Bergen has a vacant temporary position in language infrastructure in connection with the CLARINO+ project.

Qualified applicants should have experience with language data and language infrastructure. They should also have good competency in spoken and written Norwegian (or another Scandinavian language). 

Application deadline 28 March 2021.

More information (in Norwegian)