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CLARIN Newsflash: March 2020

Infrastructure in the Time of Corona

How does the Coronavirus influence the CLARIN infrastructure? The Board of Directors tries to answer this question.

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Postponed events due to COVID-19

Among the many events that have been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic are the following:

  • Corpus Linguistics Summer School 2020 | New date to be determined | Event page

  • LREC2020 | New date to be determined | Event page

  • LR4SSHOC: LREC2020 workshop | New date to be determined | Event page

  • ParlaCLARIN II: LREC2020 workshop | New date to be determined | Event page

  • REPROLANG: LREC2020 workshop | New date to be determined | Event page

  • Helsinki Di­gital Hu­man­it­ies Hack­a­thon  | Postponed to autumn 2020 | Event page

  • Workshop Twin Talks 2 at DHN 2020 | Postponed to 20 October 2020 | Event page




CLARIN Funding Opportunities overview available online

To learn about the various types of funding opportunities that are available for researchers, developers and educators through CLARIN, a funding page with an overview of all funding information is now available online.

Please visit the funding page



CLARIN2020: Keynote Speakers Announcement

We are delighted to announce that the keynote speakers for the 9th CLARIN Annual Conference (CLARIN2020) will be Professor Elena González-Blanco, (General Manager of Europe at CoverWallet) and Dr.Antske Fokkens  (Associate professor, Faculty of Humanities.Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).

The call for abstracts for CLARIN2020 is still open. You can submit your proposals until 14 April 2020.

Read the full call for abstracts



Iceland joins CLARIN ERIC as a member

We are very pleased to announce that Iceland joined CLARIN as a full member! 

Iceland has been involved with CLARIN for a number of years. In 2010 Iceland was as a member of the consortium of the CLARIN Preparatory Phase project, but without any funding. In November 2018 Iceland joined CLARIN ERIC as an observer and as of this February Iceland participates as a full member. 

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Tour de CLARIN: The Phonogrammarchiv Knowledge Centre 

In January and February ‘Tour de CLARIN’ visited the Phonogrammarchiv Knowledge Centre of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

The recent Tour de CLARIN posts include an introduction to the Phonogrammarchiv Knowledge Centre and an interview with Dr Beate Eder Jordan, a literary scholar focusing on minority and Roma literature at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. She has successfully collaborated with the Phonogrammarchiv Knowledge Centre in the RomArchive (2015–2019) project.

Read more about Tour de CLARIN



New ESU website available

The European Summer University in Digital Humanities "Cultures & Technologies" (ESU) has launched a new website to mark the start of the next decade. 

The European Summer University in Digital Humanities 2020 will be held from 28 July to 7 August 2020 at Leipzig University. This year the ESU will be organized by the Forum for Digital Humanities Leipzig for the first time.

Visit the new website


CLARIN-LV conference raises awareness for CLARIN

The CLARIN-LV conference: "Digital Latvian Language Resources and Tools in Common Research Infrastructure" raised awareness for CLARIN among Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) researchers in Latvia and shared information between stakeholders about recent achievements on language resources and tools. Krister Lindén (national coordinator FIN-CLARIN, University of Helsinki) and Kadri Vider (national coordinator CLARIN Estonia, CELR, University of Tartu) shared their experience in the construction and use of the CLARIN infrastructure while the Latvian researchers presented novel achievements in the development of digital language resources.

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CLARIN CY – events from Cyprus 

Since 1 May 2019, Cyprus has formally joined the CLARIN ERIC infrastructure, represented by the UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage at the Cyprus University of Technology. After joining, CLARIN-CY organized the event ‘Copyright and related Rights in the Digital Single Market Directives’, to inform the participants on the new rules established. In December, a scientific meeting was held in Nicosia between the Israel Consortium for Digital Culture and Cypriot scientists to discuss possible cooperation between the cultural institutions and universities. 

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SSHOC Vocabulary survey

The H2020 cluster project SSHOC is organizing a survey, reaching out to all researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), to discover which vocabularies are the most commonly used in SSH research practices, define a methodology to map them, and investigate the potential for alignment with the SSHOC Reference Ontology.

This research will result in a detailed analysis, to be released by the end of 2020.

The deadline for contributions is 30 April 2020.

Start the survey




Tour de CLARIN: The United Kingdom

This month ‘Tour de CLARIN’ visits the CLARIN-UK consortium. The UK has been an observer of CLARIN since 2015 and is now almost half-way through its second three-year period. Countries are admitted as observers in order to prepare a proposal for full membership, to build a national consortium, and to develop infrastructure at the national level, and these are the tasks that are currently the focus for CLARIN in the UK. 

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The road to oral archives, from Tuscany to Wien
Blog post written by Silvia Calamai

The CLARIN Mobility Grant made it possible for Silvia Calamai (University of Siena) to visit Phonogrammarchiv, the world’s oldest sound archive and CLARIN K-Centre, to collaborate with the archive’s experts on long-term preservation of audio-visual data and archival practices (e.g. metadata).

Read the blog post



New collections and resources in the VLO

The number of resources and collections that can be discovered by searching and browsing through the VLO has been steadily expanding over the years. This blog post provides an update on the content that can be discovered through the by highlighting a number of interesting recent additions. First, it will illustrate newly selected content aggregated by and retrieved from Europeana. Then it will showcase four centres that have started providing metadata to the VLO in the past half year: the Lund University Humanities Lab, the ZIM Centre for Information Modelling in Graz, the CLARIN centre for Latvian language resources and tools (Riga) and the Speech Synthesis and Recognition Laboratory of UIIP NAS Belarus. 

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(How) Can Small Languages Survive? 
TEDx talk by Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson 

This talk by Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson (Professor Emeritus in Icelandic Language and Linguistics at the University of Iceland) focuses on the threats that the digital revolution and the global dominance of English pose to small languages like Icelandic.

Watch the video

Videos ‘Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities’ and ‘PARTHENOS CEE Workshop’ available on VideoLectures

The recordings of the Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities and of the PARTHENOS CEE Workshop for CEE countries are now available on the VideoLectures.NET platform.

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European Language Grid opens first call for Pilot Projects

Become a part of the European Language Grid (ELG). Boost your language technologies. Be among the first pioneers to test the platform. Take part in the open call for pilot projects.

ELG runs two open calls. The first call was opened on 1 March 2020, project proposals can be submitted until 30 April 2020. The second call will be opened in September 2020.

SMEs and research organisations are eligible for project funding. Proposed projects should last between 9 and 12 months and can be funded with a budget of up to €200,000. Projects should contribute resources, services, tools or datasets to the ELG to increase its coverage, or they should develop applications using language resources and technologies available in the ELG. 

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Free Lancaster Summer Schools: Covering three aspects of Corpus Linguistics
22 - 25 June 2020, Lancaster University 

Lancaster University is pleased to offer three free training events that cover the techniques of corpus linguistics and their application in three different areas.

The schools include both lectures and practical sessions that introduce the latest developments in the field and practical applications of cutting-edge analytical techniques. The summer schools are taught by leading experts in the field from Lancaster University.

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Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School
13-17 July 2020, Oxford, United Kingdom

The Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School 2020 will take place at Keble College from Monday 13 July to Friday 17 July. This annual Summer School offers training to anyone with an interest in the Digital Humanities, including academics at all career stages, students, project managers, and people who work in IT, libraries, and cultural heritage.

Participants follow one of nine parallel workshop strands throughout the week, supplementing their training with expert guest lectures.

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ESSLLI 2020: Registration is open
3-14 August 2020, Utrecht, Netherlands

The registration for ESSLLI 2020 is open.

The European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) is a yearly recurring event, which has been organized since 1989. An ESSLLI Summer School provides an interdisciplinary setting in which courses and workshops are offered in logic, linguistics and computer science.

In addition to the courses and workshops listed on the ESSLLI2020 website, the programme features a Student Session and evening lectures by invited speakers. The 25th Conference on Formal Grammar is also held in conjunction with ESSLLI on 8-9 August 2020.

Register for ESSLLI 2020

EXTENDED Call for papers and abstracts: "Language Technologies and Digital Humanities” conference; new deadline: 15 may 2020
24-25 September 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Due to the coronavirus COVID-19, the LTDH2020 Steering Committee has extended the deadline for the submission of papers and abstracts to 15 May 2020 for the "Language Technologies and Digital Humanities” conference.

The conference aims to bring together researchers from various backgrounds and methodological frameworks.

Read the full call