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CLARIN Newsflash June 2016

Latvia joins CLARIN ERIC

We are happy to announce that Latvia has joined CLARIN on 1 June 2016, becoming its 18th full member. Latvia has been involved in CLARIN activities since its preparation phase (2008–2011). By joining CLARIN ERIC, Latvia aims to establish a CLARIN centre that will provide access to Latvian language resources and tools to national and international research communities.

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CLARIN Annual Conference 2016 - 3rd Call for Papers
26 – 28 October 2016, Aix-en-Provence, France

The call for papers for the CLARIN Annual Conference 2016 is still open. You can submit your proposals until 15 July 2016.

The conference is organized for the Humanities and Social Sciences communities in order to exchange ideas and experiences. This includes the design, construction and operation of the CLARIN Infrastructure, the data and services that it contains (or should contain), its actual use by researchers, its relation to other infrastructures and projects, and the CLARIN Knowledge Sharing Infrastructure.

View the full call for papers


Call for CLARIN workshop proposals (2 types) – 2016

For participants in the CLARIN consortia, a budget of € 90.000 is available for workshops to be organized between representatives of the national consortia. Funding for two types of workshops can be requested:

Workshop type I: addressing a topic that is in line with the one or more of the strategic priorities of CLARIN;

Workshop type II: meant to prepare a work plan for a development project of up to three person months, again contributing to one or more of the strategic priorities of CLARIN.

A similar budget will be made available in the coming year. Depending on the number of successful applications in the current call and the budget remaining, a second call may already be issued in the autumn of 2016.

Read the complete Call for CLARIN workshop proposals


CLARIN-based research featured in special journal issue

The most recent issue of the journal Lingua features research done based on the CLARIN infrastructure. Seven articles present original research conducted by using one or more of the services that CLARIN offers.

Read more about this special journal issue

PhD-research on dialects involves CLARIN tools

Recently, Sandra Hansen-Morath defended her PhD at the Faculty of Philology of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i.Br., Germany. Her research crucially involved CLARIN tools.

The research study “regional and sociolinguistic variation in the border triangle Germany–France–Switzerland – quantitative studies on dialect change” (in German) deals with dialects currently used by average local speakers in their daily communication.

The aim of the study was to describe the dialects’ structure and their geographic distribution with respect to the phonological dialect shift.To calculate and visualize dialect distances, the CLARIN-NL tool Gabmap was used.

Read more about the PhD


Watch the video on how the project Dutch Ships and Sailors brings together maritime historical data as Linked Open Data. (click on CC to enable English subtitles)
Dutch Ships and Sailors was created in a Clarin-NL-project. It is hosted by Huygens ING in collaboration with VU University Amsterdam, the International Institute of Social History and Scheepvaartmuseum Amsterdam.

Check out the Dutch Ships and Sailors project website


Showcase: WordTies 

WordTies is a web interface developed to visualize monolingual wordnets as well as their alignments with wordnets in other languages. Wordnets are a kind of lexical-semantic dictionaries where concepts are related to other concepts in language via semantic relations. In the WordTies browser, these semantic relations are made available in a more intuitive and graphical fashion compared to what is found in most other wordnet browsers.

Read more about this showcase


OpenAIRE/EUDAT webinar “How to write a Data Management Plan”
7 July 2016, online at 11 am CEST

As several research funders are carrying out (Open) Data Pilots, projects and researchers are increasingly required to deliver a Data Management Plan or DMP. A DMP is a useful instrument for researchers to reflect on and communicate about the way they will deal with their data. It prompts them to think about how they will generate, analyse and share data during their research project and afterwards.

In this webinar Sarah Jones (DCC) and Marjan Grootveld ( ) will talk you through the aspects that Horizon 2020 requires from a DMP.

Read more about the webinar


Call for papers: Workshop on Knowledge Extraction and Knowledge Integration (KÉKI)
17-18 October 2016, Kobe, Japan

International initiatives such as the LIDER European project and the W3C OntoLex, BPMLOD, and LD4LT community groups, as well as the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN) Working Group for Open Data in Linguistics (OWLG), have promoted an ecosystem of linguistic linked open data (LLOD).

One of the main motivations of this workshop is to move the LLOD cloud to its next phase in which innovative applications will be developed overcoming the language barriers on the Web.

The KÉKI workshop is for anyone interested in Semantic Web, Linguistics and Natural Language Processing technologies and we are especially welcoming submissions focussing on either domain topics or technological topics or both.

View the complete call for papers

Working group: Encoding language and linguistic information in historical corpora 
8-10 March 2017, Saarbrücken, Germany

Historical corpora have been established as an empirical digital base for various types of linguistic studies. Annotations on these corpora have to balance between a diplomatic representation of historical text and its linguistic analysis. This requires a linguistic modelling of annotations to develop annotation guidelines and concepts, as well as assignment methods and corpus architectures. The working group thus focuses on established and new approaches which address these requirements for a structured exploration of historical corpus data.

This workshop will take place at the 39th Annual Meeting of the DGfS (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft).

View the Working group homepage and call for papers


Call for Applications: DARIAH-EU Board of Directors 

DARIAH, the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities, is looking to appoint two part-time members of the Board of Directors from 01 January 2017, who will work closely with the third member, who is the Chair of the Board. The Board of Directors is the executive body of DARIAH and its legal representative, also providing strategic leadership for our activities.
DARIAH is searching for:

  • an active researcher with significant experience with the application of digital methods to arts and humanities research.

  • an inspirational and visionary leader, with a proven track record of managing national and international organisations or projects.

Read the full job description

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