CLARIN 2017 Countdown
The CLARIN Annual Conference is the main annual event for those working on the construction and operation of CLARIN across Europe, as well as for representatives of the communities in the humanities and social sciences. The 2017 annual conference will take place 18-20 September 2017 in Budapest, Hungary.
The programme filled with keynotes, papers, posters and demos looks very promising!
Read more about the conference here and follow the conference on Twitter (#CLARIN2017) in September.
Maria Eskevich new Office Coordinator CLARIN ERIC
We are pleased to announce that, as of 1 September 2017, Maria Eskevich will take on the position of Office Coordinator at CLARIN .
In 2015-2017 Maria worked as post-doctoral researcher at the Centre for Language Studies, Faculty of Arts of Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Her role involved research on policies for text and data mining, as well as open access in the Horizon 2020 FutureTDM project. In 2014-2015 she worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Multimedia Communications Department of EURECOM where she focused on challenges in multimedia search and hyperlinking. In 2014, she obtained a Ph.D. at the School of Computing, Dublin City University, Ireland, where she explored ways to effectively improve spoken document retrieval, the different aspects of data set creation, and results evaluation.
With her strong background in language and speech technologies, digital humanities, and language skills (six!), Maria Eskevich will be a welcome reinforcement of the existing and upcoming operations and initiatives of the CLARIN Office.
Tour de CLARIN
“Tour de CLARIN” is a CLARIN ERIC initiative that aims to periodically highlight prominent User Involvement activities of a particular CLARIN national consortium. In June and July the the focus was on Sweden with the most recent blog posts including an interview with Maria Ågren and an overview the resource: Riksdag's open data.
The next country in the spotlight is Austria and you can read an introductory blog post here.
To find out more about this initiative and read all the blog posts to date visit Tour de CLARIN web pages.
Parallel Corpora Overview
The parallel corpora overview was prepared for the 3rd Translation Technologies Summer School that CLARIN is co-financing, and is also a part of CLARIN User Involvement activities. The overview of existing parallel corpora has been prepared by examining the VLO, local repositories, the Metashare catalogue, the LRE map and Google. The overview can be viewed here. We would really appreciate it if you could add any resources and information that we have missed and correct any mistakes we have made. Comments and suggestions Darja.Fiser [at] (by email) are welcome.
Digital Humanities 2017 Conference
Co-organised by McGill University and the Université de Montréal, DH2017 took place on 8-11 August 2017 in Montréal, Canada. This is the premiere annual conference of the international Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO).
There were several papers presenting European digital research from our colleagues in DARIAH-EU and PARTHENOS and from CLARIN teams.
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Doing text analytics for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences with CLARIN, a tutorial at the Language, Data and Knowledge conference in Galway, June 2017.
Watch the videos on videolectures
Last Call for Participation: Interdisciplinary Conference on Digital Cultural Heritage
30 August - 1 September 2017, Berlin, Germany
Join DCH 2017 for three days full of exciting presentations and discussions of an interdisciplinary DCH community.
The conference will feature contributions that cover technical challenges as well as strategic guidance. Key messages relating to the impact of new technologies and processes on cultural heritage have been especially welcomed. The program has been published on the conference homepage.
Visit the DCH 2017 website
Workshop: Archives, Activism and Social Media. Building Networks for Effective Collaboration and Ethical Practice.
21-22 September 2017, Cambridge, United Kingdom
A workshop at the University of Cambridge, supported by the AHRC and organised by the Cambridge Digital Humanities Network in collaboration with Documenting the Now project.
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Workshop: Software Sustainability: Quality and Re-usability
9-10 October 2017, Berlin, Germany
The workshop is inspired by ongoing discussions within DARIAH, Humanities at Scale, DESIR and beyond. It brings together leading experts from the digital research infrastructures CESSDA , CLARIN and DARIAH in an effort to engage with the wider community.
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Call for Papers: Corpus Linguistics in the South Conference 2017
28 October 2017, Cambridge, United Kingdom
The 15th meeting of the Corpus Linguistics in the South will be held at the Faculty of Education of the University of Cambridge.
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Call for Papers: International Workshop: Speech Corpora, Text Corpora: Sharing Practices
13-14 November 2017, Montpellier, France
The goal of this symposium is to create a dialogue between different communities of researchers, whether they be producers or users of resources and tools. The methodological approaches that associate different modes of exploitation and analysis of speech and text corpora will be particularly welcomed.
Bente Maegaard (Vice Executive Director of CLARIN ERIC) will be representing CLARIN at this event.
Read the full call for papers
Eclavit Workshop: Analysis and Representation of Textual Data
24-25 November 2017, Paris, France
At the crossroads between humanities, social and computer sciences, and statistics, digital data processing addresses various issues: oral or written productions, hypotheses testing, journalistic, political, literary or web corpus exploratory analyses, opinion visualization, data extraction, etc. The aim of this workshop is twofold: to explore the different methods of analysing and visualizing text corpus data, and to discuss the latest developments in the field.
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Call for Papers: 'Towards the Multilingual Web of Data'
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 15 December 2017
A special issue of Information (ISSN 2078-2489). This special issue belongs to the section "Artificial Intelligence". This Special Issue is concerned with groundbreaking topics at the interface of the Semantic Web, language resources and
, with particular emphasis on multilingual aspects.
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Call for Papers CLIN28
26 January 2018, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
The 28th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN 28) will be organised by the Centre for Language Studies at Radboud University. CLIN 28 will take place in Nijmegen, the Netherlands on January 26, 2018. Presentation abstracts should be submitted electronically, no later than November 3rd, 2017 (12PM, GMT/UTC + 01:00 hour) via the submission website at EasyChair.
Read the complete call for papers
Call for Papers: Corpus-based Research in the Humanities
25-26 January 2018, Vienna, Austria
The second edition of the workshop on "Corpus-based Research in the Humanities" (CRH) will be held in Vienna (Austria) on January 25th-26th 2018 and will be hosted by Academy Corpora of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
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Call for Papers: 7th AIUCD Annual Conference
31 January 31 - 2 February 2018, Bari, Italy
The Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e le Culture Digitali (AIUCD) 2018 Conference will have the theme ‘Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age:Memory, Humanities and Technologies’. The topic brings together interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary fields, and examines the role of cultural heritage in all its aspects in the digital age, the way in which the study and scientific research of humanistic knowledge (literary, historical, artistic, archaeological and philosophical) combines with different methodologies, logic and computer technologies and various types of media and digital resources.
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Call for Abstracts: Poster Session at 40th German Society for Linguistics (DGfS) Conference
7-9 March 2018, Stuttgart, Germany
Numerous fields of linguistic research are represented at the conference, and the poster session is also intended to serve as an exchange between researchers of linguistics and computer linguistics.
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Call for papers ECHIC 2018
4-6 April 2018, Leuven, Belgium
The conference aims to probe some of the most pressing issues facing the humanities as academic disciplines and interdisciplinary fields. Papers and discussions will be focused around (challenges connected to) digital scholarship in the humanities and the dissemination and impact of the results of this research.
Submissions must be sent before 1 September 2017.
Read the complete call for papers
Call for Papers: 2nd International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing
25-26 April 2018, Algiers, Algeria
The 2nd International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing (ICNLSP 2018) aims to cover all aspects of natural language and speech processing, and aims to attract contributions exploring basic theories as well as applications. Regular and posters sessions will be organized. It offers opportunity to take advantage of valuable keynotes delivered by scholars in the field to shed light on the state of the art and the latest developments.
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Corpus Linguistics Summer School 2018
25-29 June 2018, Birmingham, United Kingdom
The summer school is open to undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral students, as well as researchers who want to improve their skills to apply corpus methods in their own research.
PhD position in adaptive text generation
University of Twente, the Netherlands
The research group Human Media Interaction of the University of Twente is looking for a PhD candidate to join the new project Data2Game, funded by The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).
The PhD candidate will be working on adaptive text generation in this project. The goal is to generate natural language texts in Dutch, for use in a training game for Dutch firefighters. The texts will be tailored to the player’s individual needs and competences.
Read the full job description
Scientific programmer
Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
For the CLARIAH project the Meertens Instituut is looking for a Scientific programmer (0.8 fte – 1 fte).
The Scientific programmer will be part of the software development team at the Meertens Institute of currently 10 ICT developers. The team gives support to the Meertens researchers and is involved in a number of national and European projects.
The Meertens Institute is a research institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences that deals with the study and documentation of Dutch language and culture in the context of everyday life. The Meertens Instituut is a partner in a number of European and national projects especially the CLARIAH project ( that is building research infrastructure for Arts and Humanities, with specifically the Meertens Institute focusing on linguistics.
Within the CLARIAH project, different tasks have been defined to improve the current infrastructure for linguistic research as the development of a Virtual Research Environment (VRE) for linguistic research, the development of systems for advanced searching in linguistic data and a number of specific knowledge systems.
Read the complete job description (in Dutch)