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CLARIN Newsflash April 2017

2nd Call for Papers - CLARIN Annual Conference 2017 (CLARIN2017)

The call for papers for the CLARIN Annual Conference 2017 is still open. You can submit your proposals until 8 May 2017 (extended deadline).

Read the full call for papers

Reflections on CLARIN-PLUS Workshop in Sofia

A new guest blog post written by Martijn KleppeNational Library of the Netherlands (translated from Dutch) has been published on the CLARIN website. 

Read the blog

Tour de CLARIN 

“Tour de CLARIN” is a new CLARIN initiative that aims to periodically highlight prominent User Involvement activities of a particular CLARIN national consortium. This year we will focus on five of them:

  • Finland in April and May 2017

  • Sweden in June and July 2017

  • Austria in August and September 2017

  • The Netherlands in October and November 2017

  • Poland in December 2017 and January 2018

The highlights will include an interview with one or more prominent researchers who are using the national consortium’s infrastructure and can tell us more about their experience with CLARIN in general; one or more use cases that the consortium is particularly proud of, and any relevant user involvement activities carried out.

The idea behind “Tour de CLARIN“ is that it will help to increase the visibility of the work of national consortia, reveal the richness of the CLARIN landscape, and to display the full range of activities throughout the network. The content will be disseminated via the CLARIN Newsflash, blog posts and linked to on our social media: Twitter and Facebook. 

Join us on the ‘Tour de CLARIN’! 


Tour de CLARIN: Finland

The Finnish national consortium FIN-CLARIN has been a CLARIN member since 2015. The members of the consortium are the University of Helsinki, the University of Eastern Finland, the University of Jyväskylä, the University of Oulu, the University of Tampere, the University of Turku, the University of Vaasa, the Institute for the Languages of Finland, the Helsinki Institute of Technology and the IT Center for Science (CSC). The national coordinator for FIN-CLARIN is Research Director Krister Lindén.

FIN-CLARIN has been actively engaged in developing tools and resources that have become a staple of Finnish researchers working with language data. Through the Language Bank of Finland (Kielipankki), which is a certified CLARIN B-Centre, researchers can access dozens of Finnish corpora, which are in most cases available through online interfaces such as KORP.

A flagship resource provided by the Finnish consortium is the The Suomi 24 Sentences Corpus, a corpus that compiles texts from discussion forums of the extremely popular Suomi24 online networking website. 

Take the complete Tour de CLARIN: Finland


From our YouTube channel
Josef Fruehwald of the University of Edinburgh talks about speech technology tools and methods to support oral history research


Doing text analytics for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences with CLARIN 
18 June 2017, Galway, Ireland

In two lectures, devoted to text analytics applied to the Humanities and the Social Sciences, Dong Nguyen (Alan Turing Institute, UK) and Antal van den Bosch (Meertens Institute and Radboud University, the Netherlands) introduce current challenges and present working solutions. Folgert Karsdorp (Meertens Institute, the Netherlands) then offers an afternoon introductory course on using Python for the humanities and social sciences.

This tutorial will take place on 18 June 2017 in Galway, Ireland, as part of the preconference programme for LDK 2017 and is co-organized by CLARIN and DARIAH-Ireland.

For the programme and more background information, please visit the CLARIN website

DH@Madrid Summer School 2017
3-5 July 2017, Madrid, Spain

The DH@Madrid Summer School is a yearly event organized since 2014. The purpose of the Summer School is to teach users how Language Technology tools in general and semantic technologies can be used within the development of projects and research.

During this year’s edition, a crash course introduction to the application of semantic web technologies and digital language resources will be given.

One of the most important goals will be to raise awareness about the CLARIN Infrastructure and its tools and services among digital humanities researchers from Spanish speaking countries with the purpose to enlarge the Spanish community within the CLARIN infrastructure.

The Spanish CLARIN Center-K will be sharing examples such as the integration of the LINDAT CLARIN Repository into the EVILINDH project, demonstrating tools that have been developed in other CLARIN K-Centres, and sharing experiences with participants from other countries who are leading CLARIN initiatives, such as Italy and Finland. Researchers from Argentina will also be involved, thanks to the Spanish connections to the Argentine community.

The DH@Madrid Summer School 2017 is co-financed by CLARIN ERICPOSTDATA and ERC. It is also linked to ReTeLe project (Red de Tecnologías Lingüísticas en Español) which aims to gather and share linguistic technology initiatives, tools and projects for Spanish speakers.

Read more at the DH@Madrid Summer School 2017 website

EUDAT Summer School
3-7 July 2017, Heraklion, Crete

is organizing a Summer School, which will take place in the stunning setting of Heraklion, Crete, thanks to the generous support of of the Information Systems Laboratory (ISL) and Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH).

The school aims to introduce early-career researchers to the principles and tools needed for careers in data intensive science and data management, and is applicable to those working with big data, as well as researchers from less data-intensive communities. In collaboration with other pan European e-Infrastructures, this intense training course will provide attendees with a better understanding of the European e-Infrastructure landscape, the different tools and services offered by them, and how they can be used to improve the quality of your research outputs.

For more details visit the EUDAT website

CLARIN-UK: Promoting Cross-disciplinary Corpus Linguistics
24 July 2017, Birmingham, UK

A pre-conference workshop at the Corpus Linguistics Conference 2017 (CL2017) will provide a showcase for the CLARIN-UK consortium members to present their work in promoting the use of language corpora and corpus linguistics methods in many different academic disciplines.

The workshop programme includes a series of presentations from the CLARIN-UK Centres about the areas in which they have experience of working in collaboration with disciplines outside of linguistics, and in which they have promoted the use of digital language resources and tools to facilitate new and innovative forms of research.

There will also be presentations about the Europe-wide activities of CLARIN, and from other CLARIN countries.

Read the complete workshop summary and programme

Call for participation: TransTech17 3rd Summer School in Translation Technologies
4-8 September 2017, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

The 3rd Translation Technologies Summer School focuses on recent advances in Machine Translation and current trends in using MT in professional translation settings, including training customised engines, evaluating and post-editing MT output and managing translation projects involving MT.

The TransTech17 3rd Summer School is co-financed by CLARIN ERICAltplus and TextShuttle.

Read more

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