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Call for Proposals for CLARIN Flagship Projects 2025


The main aim of the CLARIN Flagship Project initiative is to improve interoperability and facilitate reuse of language resources and tools, expand the user base, stimulate cross-lingualcross-national and cross-disciplinary research and demonstrate socioeconomic impact. The call provides support for collaborative projects by CLARIN members and observers.


The call is open to CLARIN centres and/or consortia members from CLARIN member and observer countries. Partners from non-member countries can be partners in the consortium with their in-kind contribution. National coordinators of all participating partners must endorse the proposal (append endorsement email to the proposal).

Selection Criteria

 A Flagship Project should meet the following criteria:

  • It should be in line with the CLARIN ERIC Strategy 2024-2026
  • It should involve a substantial group of national consortia
  • It should be inclusive (open to new participants)
  • It should involve as many languages as possible or be language independent
  • It should foster new uses of the CLARIN infrastructure
  • It should stimulate cross-lingual, cross-national and cross-disciplinary research
  • It should improve interoperability and facilitate reuse of language resources and tools
  • It should generate innovative tools, resources or applications, or new uses of the existing ones, that are beneficial for large groups of users, or can attract new groups of users
  • It should be based on ongoing activities in the CLARIN centres and/or consortia members
  • It should have institutional support from the group of proposers
  • It should demonstrate socio-economic impact.

Funding and Support

 Flagship Projects are co-funded by the participating institutions and CLARIN . Participating institutions provide significant in-kind contributions (research,  infrastructures). CLARIN ERIC supports and funds coordination, networking activities:

  • Workshops and other events that bring together researchers and/or industry representatives
  • Researcher mobility
  • Joint Open Access publications co-authored by researchers from at least two  participating institutions. 

CLARIN ERIC can also support project work (such as data preparation) for some partners where needed. The amount of funding by CLARIN ERIC is determined on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the scope and needs of each Flagship Project but should not exceed €100,000.


The start of the project has to be in 2025 and the duration should not exceed two years.


The call will be announced on 15 November 2024 and will be open until 28 February 2025. The results will be announced by 18 March. The reserves the right to not award any of the proposals if a sufficient level of  socioeconomic impact and other quality criteria are not met.


 The application should follow this structure and be sent to darja.fiser [at] (darja[dot]fiser[at]inz[dot]si)

  • Background and motivation (500-1000 words)
  • Work plan (1000-3000 words)
  • Timeline
  • Results (200-500 words)
  • Impact (200-500 words)
  • Budget (specifying CLARIN ERIC’s contribution & in-kind contributions)
  • Participants
  • Appendix (endorsement emails from NCs).