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Call for Contributions for CLARIN Training Suite


To stimulate the uptake of CLARIN resources, tools and services into the curricula of Social Sciences and Humanities disciplines, we are developing a central platform in order to create a sustainable network of CLARIN trainers, to publish training materials in open access, and to share best practices in teaching. Two funding instruments are already in place: the CLARIN Training Network and Teaching with CLARIN. The latter call is for existing training materials that do not require funding for major adaptation and is linked to the annual Teaching with CLARIN award.

CLARIN invites proposals for the development of new CLARIN training materials or adaptation of existing materials relevant to the disciplines that CLARIN is serving. The new materials should be developed in such a way that they are suitable for both formal as well as informal educational settings.

We invite proposals for:

  • New training materials on one or more CLARIN resources and services, made available in English and additional languages
  • Existing training materials that have already been used successfully but require substantial adaptation or translation into English in order to make them suitable for publication in the Teaching with CLARIN section of the CLARIN website 
  • Materials suited for BA, Masters and PhD levels
  • Materials focusing on CLARIN central services, tools and resources, provided that they are also made available in English. 

Materials can be used for either face-to-face training or virtual training settings.

Application Procedure

This is a continuous call.

Applicants should send a proposal by email to training [at] (training[at]clarin[dot]eu).

Each proposal should include the following: 

  • Name(s) of applicant(s)
  • A summary of the training materials itself, explaining the aims, the overall structure, and the target audience (max 500 words)
  • A description stating the added value of the current training materials, i.e. why do we need this training material? Which gap will they address? (max 250 words)
  • Prerequisites/practical/technical setup required to use the proposed training material (max 150 words)
  • Education or research level, making clear the entry-level and expected level of knowledge (max 150 words)
  • A list of the CLARIN resources/tools/services used, including details for which specific languages, or language families they are applicable (max 150 words)
  • Information about the applicants, and the skills they will bring to the proposed training material (max 500 words)
  • A committee of five evaluators, composed of representatives from the CLARIN Training taskforce, the Board of Directors and the User Involvement Committee, extended with a domain expert when relevant, will assess and select the proposals that have sufficient quality to justify funding.

    Applications are reviewed in the order in which they are received. The applicants will be informed of the outcome within three weeks from the submission date. 

    Once the available budget for a specific year has been exhausted, a notification will be posted on this web page. All applications that have not been assessed will be taken into consideration in the following year.

Eligibility of Applicants and Cost Categories

The call is open to individual proposers as well as teams of proposers.

Representatives of the CLARIN consortia or staff affiliated with a CLARIN centre can apply.

Funding is awarded for personnel costs required to adapt, translate and/or refine the existing training materials, including the relevant indirect and administrative costs, as well as costs for support from student assistants.

The extent of the materials and the amount of funding that can be granted is in principle flexible, but must be well-motivated. The budget for each proposal ranges from one to six PMs.

Terms and Conditions

  • The CLARIN funding must be acknowledged in the materials
  • In addition to the materials themselves, supporting documentation for lecturers also needs to be provided
  • All training materials will be published on the CLARIN website with a CC-BY 4.0 licence:
  • A blog post about the materials that are suited for publication on the CLARIN website needs to be submitted within two months after the materials have been approved by the assessment panel. Please make sure to read the instructions
  • Reimbursement of the final batch of the budget granted will only take place once the blog post for the CLARIN website has been submitted
  • All training materials submitted to this call should also be made available in the Teaching with CLARIN section on the CLARIN website and included in the SSH Training Discovery Toolkit. 

Financial Procedure

The main proposer is responsible for preparing the budget breakdown and the final summary of expenses claimed (based on actual costs). An invoice is to be sent to the financial officer at CLARIN ERIC. On request, a prepayment by CLARIN ERIC can be issued up to a maximum of 60% of the total budget awarded. The cost summary and a blog post about the materials are due within two months after the materials have been approved by the assessment panel and before the last batch of the funds can be transferred.