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CLARIN Newsflash July 2016

CLARIN at Digital Humanities 2016

CLARIN had a high visibility at the annual conference of the Digital Humanities, which was held 11-16 July 2016 in Kraków. As well as sponsoring the conference, CLARIN ran an exhibition booth to highlight CLARIN activities and meet people from among the more than one thousand attendees in total. It proved to be an excellent opportunity to meet not only researchers, but also many people involved in other infrastructure initiatives. More than a dozen different people involved with CLARIN in many different countries manned the booth at various times, and the space was also shared with colleagues promoting the Parthenos project.

Read more about CLARIN at DH2016



CLARIN Executive Director Franciska de Jong represented CLARIN at META-FORUM 2016 in Lisbon. Among other things, Franciska asked that more attention be paid to measuring the quality of language resources. Several CLARIN members were also present at the meeting.

Read more about META-FORUM 2016


Introducing ELAN

On 18 and 19 April, the first CLARIN-PLUS workshop was held at the University of Oxford. The theme of this workshop was “Exploring Spoken Word Data in Oral History Archives”.

During this workshop Sebastian Drude (CLARIN ERIC/MPI) introduced ELAN, a state-of-the-art tool for manual annotation of audio and video recordings, developed at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen.

Would you like to learn more about ELAN and how this tool could benefit oral history research? Watch the video of Sebastian’s presentation.

View more recorded presentations from this workshop online                


Showcase CLARIN-D: Word level based comparative text analysis

Many research questions in the humanities which relate to specific text resources involve the analysis of vocabulary. Comparative studies of vocabulary are of central interest. This may require comparing two texts, or comparing a text with a reference corpus. CLARIN provides resources and Web tools which allows comparative analysis of these types to be performed.

Read more about this showcase


LaTeCH 2016
11 August 2016, Berlin, Germany 

The 10th Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH 2016) will be held in conjunction with ACL 2016, and will take place in Berlin.

The LaTeCH workshop series aims to provide a forum for researchers who are working on developing novel information technology for improved information access to data from the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Cultural Heritage.

To see the complete programme for the 10th workshop, please visit the SIGHUM website.


Call for Papers LT4DH: Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities 
Workshop in conjunction with COLING 2016, 11 - 16 December 2016, Osaka, Japan

Language resources are increasingly used not only in language technology, but also in other subject fields, such as the digital humanities and in the field of education. Applying software tools and data in these fields presents challenges regarding domain adaptation, interoperability, technical requirements, documentation, and usability of user interfaces. This workshop will focus on the use of language technology and data in the digital humanities, with discussions focusing on example applications, and the type and range of research questions where such tools can be beneficial.

This workshop invites submissions relating to language technology and research questions in the digital humanities. The deadline for submission is 25 September 2016.

More specified information can be found on the LT4DH Workshop website


PhD students in the field of digital history and hermeneutics
The Historical Institute / Center for Contemporary and Digital History University of Luxembourg 

The Historical Institute / Center for Contemporary and Digital History University of Luxembourg has obtained a large grant from the Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg in the framework of the so-called PRIDE-program, enabling the creation of a Doctoral Training Unit (DTU) and opens up to:

13 positions for PhD students (Doctoral candidates) in the field of digital history and hermeneutics

Read the full job description

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